Support Resources for Action

1. Secure resources and assets necessary to implement the action plan (e.g., people, money, physical space and materials, knowledge and skills, technologies).

Key Resources

2. Provide technical support to implement the action plan to fit the local culture and context.

Key Resources

3. Build knowledge, skills, and capacity of those involved to successfully implement the action plan (e.g., offering training, technical assistance, enhanced access to technology).

Key Resources

4. Implement strategies and interventions as outlined in the action plan.

Key Resources

5. Support policy development to bring about changes identified in the action plan. This may require engaging in advocacy for program, policy and/or practice change related to goals in the community or environment.

Key Resources

6. Hold regular meetings or check-ins to oversee how the action plan is being carried out and make changes as needed.

  • Have challenges better fit the context or situation of the community?
  • Are the interventions being implemented as planned?
  • Is implementation of interventions on schedule?
  • How are interventions being received (e.g. appropriate, relevant, accessible)?
  • arisen during implementation that need to be addressed?
  • Have opportunities arisen that can be leveraged?
  • Does the plan need to be adapted to better fit the context or situation of the community?

Key Resources

7. Mobilize and support ongoing collaborative action and advocacy across sectors to bring about programs and policies to address the priority issue and goal(s).

Key Resources

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